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Sierra Health Care

Small Groups

For we Preach not ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5
Nursing Home Ministry

Every Sunday, we have a special church service at Sierra Health Care Center from

1:30-2 pm. This ministry is a ministry that Jesus has put on our hearts. Many of the residents who worship with us are hurting and alone. Some are confused and afraid. We believe that this is exactly where Jesus would be. He did not come to preach and serve the healthy but the sick. In this ministry, for this short period each week, we are the hands and feet of our Savior.


Come out and join us as we lift up our Lord in praise and as we receive the blessing reserved for those who put others above themselves.





Serving at the nursing home
That I By All Possible Means Might Save Some
Three Crosses
Gospel Minister


We have discovered that God is just as powerful and just as alive to today as He has ever been! Around His throne the angels and all the heavenly hosts cry out "Holy, holy, holy!" He still is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Despite the darkness that seems to be enveloping the world today, our God is Alive and is ready to burst on the scene of those who seek Him! This is what we believe and this is what we preach!



The church today is often living powerlessly because we have bought Satan's lie that God is no longer on the move. We live as if all there is left for us is to wait for Jesus' return, and unfortunately, many of us have even forgotten that promise!


Time to reach the world for Jesus Christ!

It is past time that the church of God wake up to the power He has given us to live abundant lives! We don't have to live impotent lives while Satan steam rolls over us. The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you!" It is high time we started believing and living in that promise.


Contact us and let's get the message out. Our God is alive and well! Wake up, Church! Wake up and speak a good word for Jesus Christ. The world needs to know of the hope He died to give us!

Gospel Meetings

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses...Acts 1:8

Danny McKinney

Host a Gospel


at your church.

(Weekend or week long meeting times available)

We work with

your needs

and schedule.

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