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What to Expect When You Attend
We hope that before long you will honor us with your presence at one of our Worship Services and Bible Classes. With all the religious division today and the many different denominations out there (1Cor. 1:13, Mark 3:24), we want to give you some idea of what to expect when you visit the Sierra Church of Christ.

A WARM AND FRIENDLY WELCOME.  We will let you know just how glad we are that you are here, but also at no time will we try to embarrass you in any way. You will find that we are a loving, caring and friendly group of people trying to live according to the teachings in the Bible. We desire to serve the One and True God, in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

CHRIST CENTERED AND BIBLE BASED TEACHING.  Christ is the focal point of all that we do. You will find Jesus and the salvation that He offers to be the main topic of our classes and worship services
. The Bible is our text-book for learning about Jesus, the Church and how God would have us live. Paul declared that all Scripture is inspired of God (2 Tim. 3:16). We know the importance of letting God speak to us through His Word (John 1:14).

WHAT IS THE WORSHIP SERVICE LIKE?  First you should understand that worship is vital to all that we are and do. We were made to worship and serve God. Therefore, we do our best to make this evident by simply offering up the type of worship that God seeks as He has revealed to us through His word. Second, because Christ and the cross are at the center of our faith, the Lord's Supper is at the center of our worship (Luke 22:14-20; Acts 20:7). We participate in this symbolic meal as a reminder of Christ's death on the cross and the reality that He lives because He was resurrected (Luke 24: 1-9). We also take up a show of gratitude to God. Since Cross Plains church of Christ is an independent congregation all funds collected are used to further the work of the Church in the community, in the children’s home, and in the mission field.
Singing is another vital aspect of our worship. We sing without instruments, in the simple manner of the early Christians. Everyone has the opportunity to participate (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). Singing is our way of expressing joy to God. We believe very much in prayer and when we come together to worship we offer prayer to God as a means of talking to and making request (John 16:23). In our service prayer will be led to convey our thanks to God. You will find only Bible based preaching. The goal of these messages are to encourage living as Christ teaches us to live. At the close of the sermon, the Lord's invitation is offered to give opportunity for those who are ready to follow Christ, turn from their sins and say so publicly and to be baptized (immersed) into Christ to have their sins forgiven and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38-39; 1Pet. 3:21).

We eagerly await your visit.

Sierra church of Christ History and Leadership

Over 30 years ago we began meeting to worship God and fellowship with other believers here in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Over the years we have supported mission work in various places and also the children’s homes of New Mexico. We have been offering a worship service at the Sierra Health Care Facility for more than a decade. When we have reached out with the light of Christ He has blessed us. This is our goal: To be the light of Jesus to a world in darkness.

Our current board of directors are James and Sharon Morris, Rita Baca, and Vanette Pyle. These people are not elders, but are responsible for the financial aspect of the church. Our nursing home minister is Edward Bradham. Our assistant minister is Randy Martin. He serves as grounds and general utility man for the church. Our building maintenance man is Don Derfer. Our minister, Danny McKinney, and his wife, Rae Jean, serve as activity directors and prayer point persons.

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