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Inspiration of Love 03

The apostles knew and believed in God's love for them (1 Jn 4:16). That word "believed" is pistis, faith! They also trusted God's love fully. The NIV gave the translation: rely. The apostles RELIED on God's love. They took a stand on that truth. They dug in on that truth. If you were able to ask the apostles what they knew and trusted about God, they would say: His Love for Us!

Sadly, in my experience, I've not heard that message much in churches. Shame.

The apostles knew Jesus (1 Jn 1); that he embodied the fullness of deity in the flesh; that he was the son of the living God; that through him God's love was a reality. They knew of his teachings, that he was crucified, and that he rose again as the scriptural prophecies heralded. But what did they say the main point was? What did they trust day in and day out? What was the practical take home and to heart? What was it that inspired them to enter the darkness and shine in the face of losing their families and persecution?

Again, it was their knowledge and belief that God loved them and lived in them (1 Jn 4:16). We must know and believe what they knew and believe for the full experience of God to manifest in our lives. One reason God is not manifested more in our everyday lives is because we simply won't love. God manifests as love in our lives. So, no love, no God.

God's Abiding Changes You

Abiding means "staying with" or "living with" or "coexisting". If God is living in you, then you can't help but love. When coexisting with love, some of it ought to rub off on you. In fact, it must rub off on you because that is God's first plan and will for your life - to be and love like him.

But You May Say, "I Don't Know Much" or "I'm Not Ready" or "I Could Never"

This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus . . . ."

(1 Jn 4:17)

"In this world, we are like Jesus." That's God's expectation. That's what God wants from his children. That's why you were born again. That's why you exist on this earth.

And it is because God is "completing" or "perfecting" his love in you. So you don't have to worry about not being perfect now, God's working that out in you. When you are living in God, and he is living in you, KNOW and BELIEVE that God is completing is love in you. You are God's love project. And you thought church attendance and daily bible reading was all God had for you. He has wonders unimaginable in store for you, if you will but love him (1 Cor 2:9).

Atheists and Agnostics ask: Where is God?

One Answer: He is in me, perfecting his love!

"Completing" or "perfecting" are synonymous with ACCOMPLISHING. It's a blessing you receive from God's love. You Become It!

What does the Christian know and believe? "In this world, we are like Jesus"

It's time we all surrendered to that great truth, and, like clay on the potter's wheel, yield ourselves to the Master's work.

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