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Mind Your Business

The story of Jesus as a twelve year old boy as recorded in the Gospel of Luke is one that has always amazed. me. Why, of all that Jesus must have done during his first thirty years of life before he began His ministry, is this story recorded?

Jesus' family has gone to worship God in the city of Jerusalem. Their time there has come to a close and they have headed home. Such a big group and Jesus must have had friends and family that he hung out with so his mom and dad weren't concerned of his whereabouts. He was in the group. Only he wasn't. when they found that out they headed back to the city rather anxiously. Jerusalem was a big town and he was only one little twelve year old boy. After three days they found Him in the Temple, asking questions and being asked questions of the teachers of the Law. Mary asked her son, "Why have you treated us this way? We have been anxiously searching for you?" "Why were you looking for me?" Jesus asked his mom. "Didn't you know I must be about my Father's business (or in my Father's house)?"

Jesus was only a boy really, yet he already had a focus that would guide him all his life. This, I realize, is the key to success in whatever venture I might undertake. To keep my eyes on the prize. And for Jesus that prize was his Father. How about me? Do I have a similar focus? Is it might heart's desire to be in the presence of the Father? So often the answer to that question is a very blunt "no". Today I want to change that and follow the example of the one I call "Lord".

John says there are so many other stories of Jesus' life, but these are written that you might believe. And may I add, that we might follow his example. Focused. Minding his own business. His Father's business.

"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God" (2 Cor. 5:20).

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