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Inspiration of Love 05

Clearly, it is not God's wrath that changes lives. It is His goodness toward us.

From the Fall of humanity until the cross, there was a huge problem regarding relationship with God. A rift existed, an insurmountable chasm of sin (Is 59:1-2) separating humanity from union with God. Though separation existed, and sin was intolerable, God still thought of reconciliation. Why the need? Those not in union with God were outcast, living in darkness, without him and without hope in the world. Indeed, those outside this union are under God's wrath. To avoid eternal separation from God, those among humanity must be reconciled. "Reconciled" essentially means restored or brought back into fellowship or agreement. Reconciliation is the process by which two opposing parties achieve union again. That's what God wanted for fallen humanity. Reconciliation.

Never forget wrath is real. The seemingly wild, fore-running prophet John the Baptizer wondered aloud about some scribes and Pharisees, "Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" (Mt 3:7) The religious community leading Israel was sure they were accepted by God. So John wondered why they were present and listening to his preaching, which was about the need to repent from a lifestyle that was unacceptable to God and deserving of his wrath. Ephesians 5:6 teaches that folks not imitating God will receive the wrath they deserve as the disobedient who do not live out God's love.

Perhaps it is not taught enough, but it is worth noting: God's children are not destined for wrath (1 Thess 5:4-9). I'm not sure if many Christians actually know this well enough to walk it out. Think about it. True Christians are not appointed for wrath. That means that you just need to keep walking in the Love, Life, and Light of Christ (1 Jn 1:7-9), and you don't need to worry about God's wrath. And if you keep reading and correctly understand that Thessalonian passage, then you will know that folks in Christ Jesus only receive salvation. This is God's goodness. We are not the targets of his wrath but in the cross hairs of his great love.

Wrath was never intended to transform a person. Understand that wrath destroys a person, casts them into outer darkness, and separates them from God forever.

God's goodness in Christ takes us out of wrath and into love. That goodness changed our circumstance. That goodness imparted new life. That goodness infused us with the love of God.

That is part of the inspiration of God's love.

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