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Inspiration of Love 04

This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus . . . ."

(1 Jn 4:17)

God's love is made complete in us so we can live like Jesus in this world. Utterly Amazing! Too bad we don't see many churches promoting this. Too bad we don't understand this better.

Many Christians Live in 1 of 2 Erroneous Places

(1) In the false confidence that they can live as the wish after conversion, ignoring the holiness and justice of God.

(2) In the fear that God is perched on a cloud waiting for them to make a mistake so he can hurl lightning bolts at them.

Positions like those do not inspire hope. Neither does God tolerate willing and habitual sin nor does he excitedly lurk anticipating your failure. Sure seems like God working his love in you until your more like Jesus is a much better option; it's what the early Christians knew and believed.

Why Do We Seek this Lifestyle of Loving?

Because God loved us in such a great manner is the answer. His love is overwhelming evidence as to the reason we should follow his lead and be like Jesus. It's Overwhelming! And perhaps that why we don't seek those deepest levels of love even in good Christians, because it's not overwhelmed us yet. Maybe we're still ignorant in too many ways. Maybe we need our eyes and hearts opened. Maybe we need to stop interpreting the bible in such a way to please ourselves, our denomination or non-denominational groups, our families, and friends and just let God transform us into the image of his son. That's what he intended all along, right? (Rom 8:29). . . . We get overwhelmed a lot considering the theology of that Romans 8:29, but rarely do we actually get overwhelmed by God's love. We need to know and believe the great manner in which he loved us more than anything else.

Key: In Jesus Christ, God gave of himself to empower us.

Jesus is with us, in us. God's love is with us, in us. Knowing and believe this, we can march into a dark world despite episodes of fear. In this dark age, we can live in the power of the resurrected Christ and shine the light of God's love. This concept is more inspiring, much better, and closer to the great commission than #1 & #2 above could ever be.

Folks want to make a big deal about their interpretation concerning the teachings of the apostles; "continue steadfast" in their doctrine (Acts 2), they so often quote. Well, what about this doctrine. This is what the apostles knew and believed. And if you asked the Apostle John, whether in the late 60s or 90s, what is that you first followers trusted to get you through and make the difference in a dark world, what would he say? He said: 1 John 4:16. They knew and believed in God's love for them. And according to the Apostle Paul, it's a love of the strongest, most unbreakable, unchangeable, inseparable kind (Rom 8:31-39). That's what the apostle's taught, the core result of the crucified and risen messiah - God love demonstrated in Christ, then demonstrated in us.

God's love is the catalyst for personal transformation and inspiration.

Question: Will we trust God no matter what, no matter how scary and dark it gets?

Know and Believe this: God loves you & Jesus is with you wherever you go!

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