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Inspiration of Love 06

Love is not exclusive to Christianity, but the divine love exemplified at the cross is!

The removal of wrath and the imputation of righteousness and love through reconciliation is exactly what John summed up in 1 John 4:19: "We love, because he first loved us."

Why Should We Love One Another?

Because divine love came from God and transformed everything about us (1 Jn 4:7); made us a new creation, a creation of love. Too often we treat others good, because they treat us good, or because we want them to treat us good. After God loved us, we can share that love for any old reason or just for the sake of love. It's an amazing freedom! We don't even have to like a person to love them. As Christians, we can extend God's love even to our enemies. How about that for amazing? God's love liberated me from all hatred and bias. God's love gives me a reason to love.

For years in "the church" I heard that to prove you knew God and were born again that you must keep the traditions of the church, be present every time church building doors were open, and to read my bible daily. In their place, all those are good; even traditions can edify, if not mandated. However, out of their proper place, they are all ineffectual and potentially heretical.

What did John say is the sign of one who knows God and is born again?

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God."

(1 Jn 4:7)

That's what the bible says through the inspiration of God through the Apostle John. The sign of one truly born again and in know about God is the one who loves. So simple. No need for one to attend 100 years of seminary and spend thousands of dollars or roost at a "church" approved school for a proper indoctrination, just love as God loved you. So simple.

Living divine love is definitive proof of the new birth.

If someone were to say to you, "I know who God is," then you could reply, "Prove it. Show me divine love."

Normally what happens is that a debate breaks out to prove who knows the most about God. Often, insults are hurled. Slander, demeaning inferences, and weird catch phrases and slogans are presented from partial verses out of context. Too many debates are an embarrassment all the way around and bring no glory to God.

Also, what can happen when you ask that question is this: The person gets out their bible. Remember, you asked them to prove that they personally know God. Yet, instead of showing you that they personally know God, they show you how much they know about the bible. There is reaching chasm of difference between knowing what the bible says and actually knowing God. Didn't Jesus already prove that point with every arrogant Pharisee he encountered! Why Christians pull that old Pharisee stunt is beyond me, especially when they are attempting to use the bible to prove they know God. You'd think that as much as the know about the bible, they'd know Jesus already embarrassed the Pharisees with that one. But I guess not.

Where is an Intimate Knowledge of God Proven?

By living love.

A Christian living in and by the wrath of God is at best an ignorant one. There is no command to live by God's wrath. It's a shame this still needs to be discussed 2000+ years after Jesus gave us an example to follow (Jn 13:5; 1 Pet 2:21). We Christians should only be discussing who can best love in the example of Christ and give God the glory for it all. But nonetheless, I risk a digression.

The Point

John could not have made it more clear, the one who loves like God is the one who knows and is born of God. Amen!

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