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Inspiration of Love 12

In closing this short series on the Inspiration of Love, let's consider our identity one last time.

The person who knows Christ died for their sins can rely upon that truth in times of need and discouragement. It is precious relief to believe the promise that upon confession Jesus continues to forgive sin; he is faithful to do so (1 Jn 1:9). As we are all, at times, plagued by guilt and incriminating memories, it is vital to recall the atoning sacrifice of Jesus for those past sins. Knowing this truth relieves the pain associated with guilt as well as renews our commitment and surrender to the one who forgave our sins. For those who do not have or do not understand this knowledge, there is no legitimate separation of sins from sinner (at least in the mind and conscience). This is the fundamental truth behind Jesus' teaching in John 8, that knowing the truth separates one from sin.

"31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"

We need not only be separated from our past sins but from currents sins as well. Knowing Jesus continually forgives is the only measure to overcome guilt and shame of sinful failures.

This is also true of our identity in Christ. We are complete in him (Col 2:10). That is our status before God: Complete! We do not always feel spiritually complete or whole or perfected, but it is none the less true. We must know the truth of our new identity in Christ to combat the wiles and deception of Satan who seeks to confuse, distort, and once again malign our Godly identity. Again, knowing truth is power against the enemy and necessary for out spiritual advancement.

Our identity in Christ is primarily love. There are other facets to the Christian life as well, but the main inspiration is God's love for us, his impartation of that love to us, and his intent for us to live in love.

And we live this love everyday, even every hour, in all circumstances. When we live the love of Christ, assuming his identity as our own (that is, his life replacing our own), we are inspired and able to endure any negative and harmful circumstance.

It is the inspiration of love that defines us and refines us. We can rely upon the life of Christ to live in us as we live by faith in him (Gal 2:20). So it is God's love that lives in us. It is God's love that exudes from us. It is access to the Father's good pleasure and love that can significantly cause us to rethink our reactions to situation and people, to reconsider our feelings towards the same, and ultimately transform us into the very image of Christ (Rom 8:29).

3 Things to Experience the Inspiration of God's Love:

[1] Praise God as Your Loving Father in Every Circumstance

[2] Without Doubt, Know that You are His Beloved Child

[3]Reaffirm Again and Again that Nothing Can Separate You from His Love

Practicing these daily will inspire you to live the love of God in Christ.

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