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Sharing Jesus

When I began preaching I was only 18 years old. I was as raw and rough as one could imagine, but I was driven. I wanted people to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. I wanted people to come to believe that He is the Son of God and and take Him on as the Lord of their lives. I so wanted to hear people confess their faith in Him and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. I wanted people to feel the freedom that comes over one who has given themselves over to God's will.

"The Joy of the Lord is my strength!" Nehemiah says. Jesus said that He came that we might have life, abundant life! He came to destroy the works of the devil. He came to seek and save those who were lost. He came to heal the sick and bring good news to the desperate and downtrodden. Is there any less need for a Savior today than there was 2000 years ago? Do we need Him less today than we did when I began preaching? Obviously not. Our world is in a tail spin. Many of our churches have shut their doors or are just barely holding on to some shadow of what they once were. Why?

Satan is like a roaring lion, looking constantly for someone to devour. He realizes that his time is short. He is a liar and the father of all liars. He presents himself as an angel of light. Many have been lured into his snare and have lost their faith. Focus has gone from the Author and Perfecter of our faith to the self-seeking, angry, hate-filled world that surrounds us today.

I look at myself and realize that, I too, have been lured in. I have sinned mightily against God, becoming apathetic about the sacrifice of Jesus for my sins so that I might be restored to the Father. I am ashamed to see my fall, but it is so obvious. My preaching has become powerless. I am reaching no one for the Kingdom. I am taking no risks, I am not speaking boldly in Jesus' name.

Church, listen, we have to change and we have to change now! We have a message that is as true and powerful as the day the Spirit fell on the disciples at Pentecost in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.

The day of His coming is nearer than ever before and the world's need for a savior is as great as ever.

Pray for me and I will pray for you. May God give us once again a spirit of boldness. May we once again awake with a zeal to share Jesus with anyone who will listen. May the world see Jesus in us, taking note that we have been with Him. Today and everyday until He calls us home, let's keep our eyes on him, our hearts fixed on His heartbeat. May He dominate our thoughts until we see the clouds torn open and see Him at last face to face. Amen. Come Lord Jesus!

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