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Speak Up

Proverbs 31:8, 9 says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

How many times have you wished you could say something on your own account but you lacked the power to do it? Would you have been pleased to have someone speak up for you or be there with you to give you courage to speak?

Are you now at a point in your life where you could speak up for others?

Taking a stand for others can come in the form of a letter to the editor, an e-mail to a company or school board, or a check sent to an institution that is doing something that you believe with all your heart needs to be done.

Sometimes speaking up for others will mean opening my mouth and speaking up physically for them. To stop a wrong being done to someone or to raise the chin of one who is down and defeated.

Speaking up for others requires getting out of myself and into the world of the living. With the pen or with the mouth, we can empower ourselves. We can take a stand with and for others. We can make a difference but we must stop listening to the lies that are whispered in our heads. Things like: "It wont' make any difference," and "Nobody will listen to you," and "No one ever stood up for you, why should you take a stand for them."

James says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

True religion doesn't have to look like robes and crosses. True religion is speaking up for others. It is helping those who need help. It is caring about the people around us. Jesus gave his disciples this command: "Love each other." John 15:17

Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Helping the helpless. That's what love looks like.

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