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Jesus Will Fix It!

In a song by Al Green, entitled "Jesus will fix it", It is made clear that no matter what the problem is that comes upon us, Jesus not only can, but will fix it. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. Son of Man, Son of God, by his stripes we are healed.

Jesus Will Fix It

now Jesus, He will fix it for you For He knows just what to do Whenever you pray, let Him have His way I know Jesus, He will fix it for you

Jesus, He will fix it for you, yes He will He knows just what to do Whenever, whenever you pray, let Him have His way I know Jesus, He will fix it for you.

Reading through Mark 9:14-32, we see Jesus coming down from the mountain of transfiguration. It was there that Jesus was set apart from Moses and Elijah. It was there that God his pleasure in his only begotten son. "This is my son, whom I love. Listen to him!" Mark 9:7

Jesus came down the mountain to an argument between his disciples and the teachers of the Law. Jesus' disciples had been out to preach the gospel and heal, to cast out demons in Jesus' name...They had come back victorious. Pumped in their faith. But now, they had failed in casting a demon out of a man's son.

The man was flattened in his faith. He had traveled to see Jesus, having heard what the disciples had done. The disciples were flattened in their faith. They had been successful in doing God's will. The teachers of the Law saw their chance to question what Jesus and his disciples were doing.

But never fear. Jesus is on the scene. Amid questions of "If you can do anything, and the faithlessness Jesus saw in his disciples' eyes, he steps forwards and says, "Bring the boy to me."

In a moment, Jesus had cast out the demon, restored him to his father, restored the faith of his father and his disciples, and moved on. His disciples, once again awed at the ability of Jesus in any circumstance, asked him privately, "Why couldn't we drive it out?"

"This kind comes out only by prayer," Jesus told them. It is possible that his disciples had become so self assured after their success as missionaries that they had begun to rely on themselves rather than the One who sent them. "This kind comes out only by prayer." When trouble comes your way, the doctors and the self help books may not be able to fix it, but bring your trouble to Jesus. He can and he will fix it.

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