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To the Next Generaton

In reading the Old Testament, several times the text reminds us to tell the next generation who will in turn be able to tell the next generation the great deeds of the Lord, of how He has manifested Himself in human history.

Today our society is in turmoil and I wonder if that isn't because we have failed to heed to the exhortation of reminding the next generation of our God and His acts among us.

By not speaking of God, either because we are too busy with our own lives (or cell phones) we have allowed a generation to grow up knowing nothing of God except what they hear from others. We also have forgotten what He has done in our own lives and what our parents and their parents have told us about how He has moved among us. In some cases, these sharings of faith ceased many generations ago, in order that we or our forefathers might pursue their own way without the regulations of God's Word. The results are all around us. It is no coincidence that our world is in full blown turmoil. We have heaped it on ourselves by surrendering the standards of God in order to follow the desires of our own hearts. To be led by emotions is the most unstable of lives. To be open to any voice that whispers in our ears rather than having a guiding standard by which we guard our hearts is to fall prey to popular whims and the loudest voices in our lives. The results are chaos.

The solution is clear. Determine today to heed the teachings of God's Word. Begin today to tell of how God has worked among us, to boldly proclaim our belief in Him and share that with others in our everyday conversation without backing down. Why should we who have standards for our lives retreat from those whose live are led by their emotions? If we repent, that is turn back to God's ways and commit ourselves to His Word, we will have a foundation for life, and not be subject to every wind that blows. Commitment to God's Word means dedicated reading of His Word daily, thinking about how it applies to our lives and then acting on it. As we study and discuss His Word, understanding His Word in context, we will develop a shield of faith against Satan's attacks. We will know how to proceed when trouble comes in life. We will shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of Life.

If this generation, for it only takes one generation, determines that we have had enough of the foolishness, we can bring our lives, our families, our cities and states, and our nation back to God. Doing so rids our society of chaos and places our nation as a light upon a hill for the nations to look to in hope. It can be done, but it begins with me reminding myself of our awesome God and then sharing that with my children and grandchildren and in any venue available to me until God and His wonderful deeds are known among the nations.

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